Showing posts with label Fedora. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Fedora. Show all posts

Tuesday, April 13, 2021

How to get started with the Linux terminal

The terminal may seem scary for new Linux users. However, it's one of the tools that has the biggest potential on your Linux journey. Learn why
The Linux terminal on Ubuntu

On a previous post we discussed the benefits of using the Linux terminal. Today, let's review how to get started with Bash, the most common shell in GNU/Linux operating systems.

The history of Bash

But before we get hands-on, let's learn more a little about Bash. Bash is a Unix shell and command language written by Brian Fox for the GNU Project as a free software replacement for the Bourne shell (which is located in your system under /usr/bin/sh and is still widely used, especially in containers).

First released in 1989, it has been used as the default login shell for most Linux distributions including the most popular distributions such as UbuntuFedora, Arch, Debian and even on the Raspberry Pi.

But bash is way beyond a simple place to enter commands. It's a powerful command processor where commands can be entered. Bash can also read and execute commands from a file, called a shell script. Like other shells, it supports filename globbing (wildcard matching), piping, command substitution, variables, and control structures for condition-testing and loops.

To finish our introduction, the name Bash is an acronym for Bourne Again Shell, a pun on the name of the Bourne shell that it replaces (and extends).

Why learn Bash

Due to its popularity, power and ubiquity, we strongly recommend that you learn it if you want to be comfortable in Linux and computers in general. Many skills you'll learn in your bash/OSS-journey will definitely carry over to Macs, Windows and well into your professional life.

Bash on Windows

Today, Bash can also be found on Windows via the Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL for short). We will review how to get started on WSL real soon. Keep tuned!

Starting the Terminal

To start the terminal on Ubuntu (or any GNOME-based distro), simply type terminal on the Activities tab. KDE and Xfce users should also have equivalent terminal apps in their systems.

On Ubuntu, type terminal to open your first terminal

Clicking on the terminal icon should open a new terminal for you:

Your bash terminal on Linux

You can confirm that it's running bash by running the following command:

echo $SHELL

Entering Commands

Entering commands in your terminal is straightforward, just type them. For example, here are some basic ones:

  • pwd - lists the current directory
  • ls - lists the files in the current directory
  • cd - change the current folder
  • cat - prints the contents of a file
  • cp - copies a file
  • mv - moves a file
  • rm - removes a file
  • mkdir - creates a new directory
Some simple commands on the terminal
The above list may seem a lot for a new user. Don't stress, with time you'll learn these tools and soon they'll be part of your muscle memory

Manual Page

Linux also has an interesting utility called man that is used for reading the manuals (documentation) of the programs, tools and libraries available on your system. To view Bash's manual, type:

man bash

To go the extra mile, we also recommend checking this related manual page:

man bash-builtins

Follow up video

To finish, we would like to point you to an online resource that will teach you Bash better than we could. Feel free to watch it at your own pace to get familiar with it. For the record, we have absolutely no affiliation we the video below, we just want you to learn Bash and Linux 😊


On this article we learned a little more about the Linux terminal and Bash. Bash is a fantastic tool that any Linux user should learn. We hope it helps!

See Also

Monday, March 29, 2021

Installing Fedora Xfce on a Virtual Machine

If you're looking for a lightweight and robust Linux distribution, check Fedora Xfce, a lighter (and simplified) version of Fedora Workstation but not not less powerful
Fedora Xfce's default desktop

Before switching to Linux permanently, it's recommended to test it first on a virtual machine so that you can feel the experience before making permanent changes on your system.

On this tutorial, we will continue revisiting the best lightweight distributions of 2021 and learn how to install Fedora Xfce on VirtualBox in Windows 10.

Please note that this process should be pretty similar to accomplish in either VirtualBox or VMWare Workstation player.

About Fedora Xfce

Fedora Xfce's is a Fedora spin of the Fedora that runs Xfce, a lightweight desktop environment and aims to be fast and lightweight, while remaining visually appealing and easy to use for new and advanced users.

Another advantage of using Fedora Xfce is that it integrates well into the RHEL/Enterprise Linux ecosystem allowing you to test, use and learn the tools enterprise Linux software uses in your own workstation.

Downloading Fedora XFCE

Head to the download page an grab the ISO by clicking on the download button. For this tutorial we'll use Fedora-Xfce-Live-x86_64-33-1.2.iso which's the latest version available at the moment. The file should be around 1.5 Gb in size so go grab a coffee while it downloads.

An ISO is simply an image of the installer containing all the files needed to boot and install that distribution in your system.

Installing Fedora Xfce

With the ISO downloaded, let's start the process. Open VirtualBox:

VirtualBox's main screen

Click New, enter the name of the VM, set Type = Linux and Version = Ubuntu (64-bit) and specify its save location:

Choose the memory size (4Gb or more is recommended):

Create a Virtual Hard Disk:

As Hard disk file type, Choose VDI (VirtualBox's default format):

Set it to Dynamically Allocated (slower) if you don't have much disk space or Fixed Size (faster) if you do:

Specify file location and size (recommended: 20GB), click Review > Create:

After clicking Create, you should see a summary of your new VM:

Booting the VM

Okay, so it's now time to boot (load) our VM so we can install it in the virtual hard drive. On the screen above click on Start to have your VM initialized. We'll first need to attach our ISO as if it were a virtual CD-ROM. Click Add and select your downloaded ISO from your Downloads folder and click Create to set it:

Installing Fedora Xfce

Once your VM boots, choose Start Fedora-Xfce-Live 33 on the boot screen:

Soon you will be greeted by Fedora Xfce's default desktop. Double click Install to Hard drive to launch the installer:

Fedora XFCE's default desktop


Once the installer loads, you'll see Fedora's familiar Anaconda installer. On the first screen, choose your language:

On the Installation Summary screen, there are a couple of settings to adjust. Those in red are the required that still require our attention:

On the Installation Destination, choose a disk among other settings (encryption, etc). Let's keep it simple for now:

Set your root password:

Create your user:

Once all settings are good, click Begin Installation:

The installation process starts:

Once the install is done (should take 10 minutes or so), finish the installer and reboot your VM from the installation.

First Login

With the installation done, let's login the first time. Enter your password as specified during the installation on the login screen:

Default Desktop

After login, you should see Fedora Xfce's desktop:

Fedora Xfce's standard desktop

Next Steps

There you are! Feel free to have fun with your new Fedora Xfce VM! We will cover some more interesting topics in the future but we recommend that you play with it in the meanwhile.


On this tutorial we learned how to install Fedora Xfce in a VirtualBox virtual machine (VM). Installing Linux on a VM is the first step you need to explore Linux in its multiple variations. The next step is obviously, replacing your Windows or Mac. But take your time!

See Also

Monday, March 1, 2021

The best lightweight Linux distributions of 2021

Looking for a lightweight Linux distribution to install on that old PC? Check our top picks for 2021
Photo by Naman Porwal on Unsplash

On a previous post we discussed the best Linux distributions for new users in 2021. While those distributions are fantastic, they demand moderately powerful hardware and a decent amount of storage. Today, let's discuss the best lightweight Linux distributions in 2021.

What's a lightweight Linux distribution?

As you probably expect, a lightweight Linux distribution is a distribution that does not require super-recent hardware and, as much as possible is friendly on storage and energy consumption.

What should you expect from these distributions

All of the presented distributions were chosen not only because they're stable and secure but because they're easy-to-use, powerful (with no compromises) and require modest hardware requirements. As a bonus, running on single board computers and IoT would be a plus.

So let's get started and review what are the best most recommended lightweight Linux distributions in 2021.

Ubuntu MATE

Ubuntu MATE is a lightweight and simplified Linux distribution based on Ubuntu. It's stable, easy-to-use and comes with the lightweight (and familiar) MATE desktop environment. It is ideal for those who want the most out of their computers and prefer a traditional. Another advantage is that it requires modest hardware requirements, running on modern workstations, to single board computers and IoT. Ubuntu MATE makes modern computers fast and old computers awesome again 😊.

Ubuntu MATE's default desktop

elementary OS

We ❤ elementary OS and pretty much anyone in the community. elementary (lowercase e please) was select as one of our best distros in 2021 an still shows up in this list. It's installation is super quick and its Pantheon desktop environment certainly offers a very polished experience while still being lightweight! Being also based on Ubuntu makes it a solid choice for your old PC.

The beautiful elementary OS desktop


Solus is another of the fast and lightweight Linux distros that we love. Built by community by passionate developers, the Solus OS is a beautiful, lightweight, innovative and rolling-release operating system that everyone should try at least once. Sure, it's not backed up by the likes of Canonical, Ubuntu's parent company but is built on strong (and innovative) technologies. Definitely worth trying out.

Source: Solus Project 

Fedora XFCE

Fedora XFCE is another of our favorite lightweight distros of 2021. Built by the an awesome of independent and (RH)-dependent Fedora developers, Fedora XFCE is definitely a distro for those working (or willing to) in the Enterprise Linux space since it shares roots with RHEL (Red Hat Enterprise Linux) and many of its forks (including CentOS, Rocky Linux and AlmaLinux). And as happens with every Fedora spin, you'll get as vanilla as possible from XFCE's original experience

Source: Fedora Project

Manjaro XFCE

If  you're looking for a little more action than why not try Manjaro XFCE? Running the XFCE desktop environment, the same desktop environment as the Fedora spin listed in this article, Manjaro is based on the venerable Arch Linux but presents a less steep learning curve and counts with a thriving and ever-growing community. Manjaro XFCE presents a very polished and fast experience that would suit well to new and experienced Linux users on modern and old hardware.

Manjaro's beautiful XFCE desktop environment


On this article we presented the lightweight Linux distributions in 2021. Lightweight Linux distros usually run super-well on old PCs or Macs guaranteeing you some good years of use still. Another idea would be spinning them up in less resourceful virtual machines so you can practice your Linux skills. More on that later.

See Also

Thursday, February 25, 2021

Installing Fedora on a Virtual Machine

Fedora remains on of the best Linux distributions for both experience and new users. Learn on this tutorial how to install and test it on a Virtual Machine

Fedora's default desktop

Before switching to Linux permanently, it's recommended to test it on a virtual machine so that you can feel the experience before making permanent changes on your system. On this tutorial, we will continue revisiting the best distributions for beginners in 2021 and install Fedora on VirtualBox in Windows 10.

Please note that this process should be pretty similar to accomplish in either VirtualBox or VMWare Workstation player.

Downloading Fedora

Head to Fedora Workstation download page an grab the ISO. We'll use the x86_64 architecture for this tutorial which is the most popular architecture (and probably yours too). For this tutorial we'll use Fedora Workstation 33: x86_64 DVD ISO but feel free to use a newer release if one is available.

Click on the download button and grab a coffee while it downloads, the file should be around 2 Gb. If you need more information, check this page.

Downloading Fedora's ISO
An ISO is simply an image of the installer containing all the files needed to boot and install that distribution in your system.

Installing Fedora

With the ISO downloaded, let's start the process. Open VirtualBox:

VirtualBox's main screen

Click New and specify the memory size (4Gb or more is recommended):

Create a Virtual Hard Disk:

Choose VDI (VirtualBox's default format):

Set it to Dynamically Allocated (slower) if you don't have much disk space or Fixed Size (faster) if you do:

Name to your VM:

Review and after clicking Create, you should see a summary of your new VM:

Booting the VM

Okay, so it's now time to boot (load) our VM so we can install it in the virtual hard drive. As soon as you press Start, VirtualBox will ask you for an ISO to boot. Click on the orange folder icon > Add and specify the one you downloaded previously. Then select it and click Start again:

Confirm on the next screen and click Start. Your VM should now boot. Choose Start Fedora-Workstation-Live 33 to proceed with the installation:

Installing Fedora

Once the initial boot ends, you should see the following installation screen where you should see two options:

  • Try Fedora - to run Fedora in memory without installing it and making changes in your system
  • Install to Hard Drive - to install Fedora in your virtual hard drive.
Choose you Install to hard drive to proceed with the installation.

Beginning the Installation

Begin setting up your system by choosing your language:

On the installation summary screen, you'll have the chance to change your keyboard, time zone and lastly, setup where to install:

Choosing the Destination

You will have to specify where to install. For that, click Installation Destination on the screen above and you should see:

Once you click Begin Installation, the installation starts. Give it 10 minutes or so to finish:

Once finished, click Finish Installation to restart your machine. You should see this beautiful boot screen:

Finishing the Installation

Once the system reboots, let's complete the installation following this interactive guide:

First, specify your Privacy Preferences:

Connect your online accounts (not mandatory, you can skip if you want):

Create your user:

Enter your password:

And all Done! Ready to log in.

First Login

Once the all the settings were satisfied, you should be ready to log in. Click on your user and enter your password:

And, you will be introduced to Fedora via this exciting new welcome app:

The new welcome screen in Fedora 33
Showing you where your notifications are

And how to find and install apps

Default Desktop

After login, you should see Fedora's default desktop:

Fedora's default desktop

Next Steps

There you are! Feel free to have fun with your new Fedora VM! We will cover some more interesting topics in the future but we recommend that you play with it in the meanwhile.


On this tutorial we learned how to install Fedora in a VirtualBox virtual machine (VM). Installing Linux on a VM is the first step you need to explore Linux in its multiple variations. The next step is obviously, replacing your Windows or Mac. But take your time!

See Also

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